Super Bowl XLII Who do you think will win?

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Who will win?

New England Patriots
New York Giants
What's a super bowl and who cares?
Total votes: 8

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Super Bowl XLII Who do you think will win?

Post by spkrtoy »

Who's your pick?
I hope New England wins 38 to 24. (if I get an 8 and a 4 of any combination I'll win big in our pool)
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Post by craigsdickson »

I have been a Patriots fan since the early 90s back in college in Australia (long story).

So obviously I want and expect them to win this weekend.

But mostly I want them to win to avoid all of the endless bullshit sports show discussions and debates that would go something like this "the Patriots had a perfect season BUT they lost the Superbowl".

Also there is the Chargers fan factor. I have been to many Chargers games and cheered for them without hesitation being as they are the only SoCal team I have ever known (only moved here in 2000). But after the "Spygate" incident and the week 2 game against the Pats, the Chargers fans left a bad taste in my mouth. I go to the FSG at the Spectrum to watch the game with the OC Pats fan club and the crap that came out of the mouths of the Chargers fans that 2nd week and the rest of the season has been unbelievable.
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Post by BrewMasterBrad »

I said Giants just to be different. I really don't care who wins since my Steelers aren't in it.

Craig, it is funny to hear a fan of a New England/Boston sports team call other fans obnoxious. New England area fans are the most obnoxious and foul mouthed people I have ever come in contact with anywhere, anytime. They are even worse than Yankee fans. I have yet to go to a Red Sox-Angels game where a Boston fan is not thrown out of the stadium for fighting or for just being a general jackass. I don't think New England fans that weren't born there are bad. I think it is the transplanted natives. It's like they all have "small man syndrome".

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Post by BrewMasterBrad »

I told you the Giants would win! :lol:

What a great game. Classic. The legend of Eli Manning is born.
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Post by maltbarley »

That was a good game. And with that out of the way, he can get back to his antiquing.