2007-2008 Competition Year: August 2008 ~ Mead
Challenge COC
This competition covers BJCP Categories
24, 25, 26 mead styles.
Entry Fee: $7 (make check payable to AHA)
Entries due: July 25th, 2008
Judging: August 2nd, 2008
Shipping Address:
Midwest Supplies
Attn: Aug 2008 AHA COC
3440 Belt Line Blvd
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Hosted by: Hosted by Al Boyce and the Minnesota
Homebrewers Association of Edina, MN
For more information, contact Al Boyce
at alboyce@bigfoot.com
Now, who's got one for this? (Pete, Pete, Bueller..........)
The club will pay for shipping and entry fee, so let's KICK some ASS!, please!
I'd like to see our club at least get a place and a line in Zymurgy as well as points for homebrew club of the year. We're a long way from winning but it takes a concerted effort from all club members to make and enter each of these COC's and in the future we hope to do everyone doing every style to make it. Baby steps now, giant leaps later.
Damn, the Lakers blew it tonight. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeshhh