Anyone brewing this weekend?

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Post by brahn »

It's official. I've got a love/hate relationship with rye. Right now I really, really hate it. But I'm also ordering more, with some more rice hulls. I've never had a problem with 50/50 rye and 2-row, or 10/10/80 rye, wheat, 2-row, but both times I've used 20% rye in a batch I've had a nasty stuck sparge. 3.5 hours of lautering later I'm just about bringing the wort to a boil. Ugh.
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Post by maltbarley »

Maybe that's the secret to the great RIS!
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Post by Oskaar »

Holy cats!

Dang Brent, that sounds like work! Sorry I didn't call, got busy and the day got away from me in a hurry.

Don't go into the Pimped-Out-Refrigerator Jack!
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