Club Commercial Brew Project

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Club Commercial Brew Project

Post by romen »

Hi everyone!

Our club is doing a pretty cool project that we are opening up to the public if you would like to participate. The event date is Sunday 3/3.

Our friends at Brewing Reserve of California have graciously allowed us to do this on their commercial brew system at their brewery. The goal is to create a "base" wort we can all take home and finish to create whatever we want. It will be interesting to see how everyone's finished beers differ! The base will be neutral enough that you can enhance it with additional hops an DME/LME or adjuncts and yeast to create whatever you want. The recipe will consist of 92% 2-row, 8% Munich and 20 IBUs.

Price per 5 gal batch of wort is $25. Bring a sanitized fermenter/container for transporting your wort home (note: you cannot pitch your yeast at BRC, wait till you get home).

If you'd like to join us, please comment here or over on our Instagram page Hope to see you all there!
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Re: Club Commercial Brew Project

Post by Reid »

Thanks again to Brian and Mike at BRC for hosting and for Ro on the coordination.

I used Safale US-05 and will dry hop with 2oz Simcoe and 1oz of Galaxy. I'm 3 days into primary fermentation and should hit FG (1.010 est) on Monday (7 days).

Fermentation Schedule (~19 days total):
10 days at 67º
Ramp to 74º over 24 hours
2 days at 74º for diacetyl rest
Ramp to 50º over 48 hours
Hold at 50º for 3 days & dry hop
Pull the hops and crash to 35º
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Re: Club Commercial Brew Project

Post by romen »

My beer from this project is coming along.
IMG_1412.jpg (194.2 KiB) Viewed 3298 times
After I got home with the wort from Brewing Reserve, I made my own base, hoping to transform it into a hazy IPA:
1.5 Gal distilled water
2 lbs Light DME
.5 lbs wheat DME

Heating to 170F for 10 min. then doing a hopstand with Simcoe and El Dorado. Then after cooling I blended my base with the BRC wort and ended up with an OG of 1.065. Now fermenting with WhiteLabs WLP066. I plan to dry hop with Zumo, El Dorado, and Citra.
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Re: Club Commercial Brew Project

Post by lexuschris »

Good to hear what folks are doing with their wort! For me, I decided to try turning it into a California Common inspired beer for the Club Bragging Rights competition at SCHF.

Basically, I made a recipe using the grain ratios used at by BRC, with a plan to steep additional color/flavor grains, then boil with some extra hops to hit the Cali Common motif.

Here is the recipe I made up for the 5 gallons of BRC wort:

Code: Select all

Amt                   Name                                     Type          #        %/IBU         
9.00 lb               [BRC]Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)           Grain         1        70.6 %        
0.75 lb               [BRC]Munich Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM)             Grain         4        5.9 %         
0.50 oz               [BRC]Magnum [12.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min         Hop           6        18.4 IBUs
1.50 lb               Caramel Malt - 60L (Briess) (60.0 SRM)   Grain         2        11.8 %        
1.00 lb               Victory Malt (Briess) (28.0 SRM)         Grain         3        7.8 %         
0.50 lb               Caramel Malt - 80L (Briess) (80.0 SRM)   Grain         5        3.9 %         
1.00 oz               Northern Brewer [8.60 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop           7        9.5 IBUs      
1.00 oz               Cluster [9.90 %] - Boil 5.0 min          Hop           8        6.0 IBUs      
1.00 oz               Willamette [4.90 %] - Boil 2.0 min       Hop           9        1.3 IBUs      
1.0 pkg               Nottingham (Danstar #-) [23.66 ml]       Yeast         10       -             
Grain_Steep.jpg (135.3 KiB) Viewed 3268 times
I put the caramel & victory malts in a grain bag, and steeped in 1 gallon of water @ 158-F for 20 minutes.
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Hops2.jpg (114.97 KiB) Viewed 3268 times
Removed and drained the grain bag, then brought to a boil and added the hops to a grain bag at the times listed above. After the grains absorbed a lot of liquid, it was not a very large volume (0.33 gal??) to add to the fermenter.
Notty_Yeast.jpg (129.51 KiB) Viewed 3268 times
I choose Nottingham yeast, as it is super clean and at lower fermentation temps acts more like a lager yeast (so I've read). I do not think anyone will know that it is not a lager. :)

I'm sure the hop & grain extractions were not exactly correct for such a small volume, but I hope it comes out with a ruby brown color, some caramel flavor, and the signature Cali Common hoppiness. :cheers:

Looking forward to trying everyone's beer!
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Re: Club Commercial Brew Project

Post by ctninh »

Batch 1 is having 1 lb honey added. Let's see how things work in this recipe.

Batch 2 is a caramel salted scotch ale I remember a friend made. Pretty much boil wort and sugar to reduce it down. Add that to the fermenter with some salt.

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Re: Club Commercial Brew Project

Post by maltbarley »

I started out behind the 8 ball on this one so I took the base as received and boiled for 15 min with Mosaic and then another ounce at flame out. Pitched Lutra and it's tasting pretty good. Hopefully I'll be able to make the meeting.
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Re: Club Commercial Brew Project

Post by romen »

I believe the plan is to get together for an off-month meeting next month so we can all see what was made. Don't knock yourself out to make it by next week.
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