Club Meeting Notes - July 17th, 2019

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Club Meeting Notes - July 17th, 2019

Post by WillL »

GameCraft Brewing
7:00 PM, Wednesday, July 17th

Good turnout with 15 in attendance. GameCraft was a great host and had some fantastic beers!

Brewtus Mashimus 2019
Since we lost last year, our club chose this year's style. The style for this years Brewtus Mashimus is beers with an original gravity of 1.040 or under. We're teaming up with Gunwhale Ales to have the BOS beer brewed on Gunwhale's new system being built in Orange. Gunwhale will be picking the BOS beer so check out THIS THREAD for more information on categories allowed and you can register your beers HERE.

Because we are doing a points system for winning 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, we are trying to have at least one beer entered from our club in each category. We have a google spreadsheet available for you to say which beer you will be entering. Check out the spreadsheet HERE.

Barrel Project 2019
Our club barrels filled with delicious beer are still nestled away. We are planning on transferring out of the barrels soon, but we are still figuring out the logistics and best way to do it. More information will be available soon.

Hop Presentation
Calvin was kind enough to do a presentation on hops. Hops were smelled, knowledge was shared, and beers were drank. Here is some of the overview:

Hops can be used for bittering, aroma, and dual purpose. This presentation focused more on aroma. The types of hops are plants and extracts. Plants consist of whole hops, pellets, and powder. Extracts consist of isomerized/non isomerized and aroma. The current trend is to grow for higher alpha acid and different aromas. For this exercise we blended hop pellets into powder and passed them around the room for everyone to smell. Cascade and Azacca were the featured hops.

Cascade: This is an iconic American Pale Ale hop. It is a dual purpose hop used for both bittering and aroma. Cascade has aromas of bright citrus, soft floral, and some spice. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale was the beer passed around to showcase Cascade.

Azacca: Mostly used as an aroma hop, Azacca has notes of mango, papaya, orange; grapefruit; lemon; piney; spicy; pineapple; grassy; tropical fruit; citrus. Left Hand's Juicy Goodness was the featured beer to showcase Azacca. This beer also has Ekuanot and Comet.

IPA Hops Presentation
Justin followed up with a great presentation on a couple IPAs and showcased a hop featured in each beer. Samuel Smith's India Ale was passed around to showcase East Kent Goldings. Alpine Beer's Duet was passed around to showcase Amarillo. Earlier in the meeting Justin filled two french presses with one part GameCraft's Broors Light and one part Budweiser. Each french press was then filled with either East Kent Goldings or Amarillo. After soaking for a bit, everyone received a taster of the hopped beer to analyze the aroma and taste compared to their respective beer.

Yeast Experiment
Tim did an interesting experiment comparing 5 different yeasts from the same base beer. He brewed an American Blonde containing 50% 2-row and 50% German Pilsner with an OG of 1.053. Here are the yeast strains used in the experiment.

1. Super High Gravity
2. Southern German Lager
3. San Diego Super
4. Dry English Ale
5. Cream Ale

Most people voted for either Southern German Lager or Cream Ale. Some of the beers did seem to have re-fermented in the bottles which might have affected the results, but Tim said for next time he is going to make sure all the bottles are stored in a refrigerator. :thumbup:

Beers Shared
Michael - Hoppy Pils
Robert - Maple Barrel Aged Stout
Robert - Lager
Brad W. - Amber
Bob - Brown
Kyle - IPA
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Re: Club Meeting Notes - July 17th, 2019

Post by MrAverageGuy »

Great notes, as usual.
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Re: Club Meeting Notes - July 17th, 2019

Post by Megastout »

Note, the yeast experiment was a joint effort by Bob and myself
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