Mead in time? Oskaar?

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backyard brewer
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Mead in time? Oskaar?

Post by backyard brewer »

My buddy Steve is getting married on June 22nd. Is this enough time to produce a sweet-sparkling mead? I suggested we do something and find some really cool little 6oz bottles and make it as the party favor. Attach a nice card to it explaining what it is and inviting everyone to open this bottle in one year at this time and toast their anniversary.

Anyway, he'd like to serve it if possible.

Recipe suggestion?
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Post by Oskaar »

Do the Southwest Cherry Cyser that we made on a brewday in 2006. I'll give you the modifications to use for sparkling crisp style.

PM me when you get a moment and I can fill you in.

Don't go into the Pimped-Out-Refrigerator Jack!
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