Tyler, thank you for chiming in with some great details!
tylking wrote:When I step up yeast from a slant it usually takes me a week to get a pitchable amount. I step it up by doubling the amount... 10ml, 20ml, 40ml, 80ml, pitching the previous starter into the fresh oxygenated wort at high krausen.
I saw a video on slanting, and it sounded cool. How long would a slant last in the fridge? Do you need breathable containers for that too?
tylking wrote:... As for storing yeast I will try and pull the best yeast possible from my fermenter, usually about mid-cone just after crashing it (cooling it down.) Once I know I have good yeast I will only store it for one week if it's slurry only. Yeast storage vessels should be breathable and cold, any carbon dioxide or oxygen in the mix is bad for the yeast - carbon dioxide being toxic and oxygen messing with the glycogen levels of the stored yeast.
What is mid-cone? center of the fermenter?
tylking wrote:...I would never wash my yeast, I was always taught that if you need to wash your yeast (acid wash) you are doing something wrong in the cellar in the first place (think sanitation issues or selective cropping problems.) My guess is that you were just trying to clean the yeast of it's trub and not of any contamination but I would honestly just use fresh yeast whenever possible, yeast is making the beer and without good healthy yeast it's almost impossible to make a quality product.
Yeah, I was just cleaning the yeast of the trub (again, saw a video about it on HBT) by adding sterile water to the yeast cake, swirling, letting sit for 20 minutes, and collecting a few small jars from the top. No acid, no infection, just trying out 're-using' yeast from a previous batch. Did not realize that more than a month would be detrimental. Good to know tho'!
By the way, my starter this morning has krausen almosting coming out of the top! So, it took a few days to get cranking .. but it is going strong now!