Hangar 24 Homebrew Competition - Due May 15th

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Re: Hangar 24 Homebrew Competition - Due May 15th

Post by bwarbiany »

Just got my score sheets...

Submitted RyePA -- got a 16 and 18. I think they got a bad bottle, because both judges mentioned cider & sour. I didn't get similar comments from anyone at the IEBC comp, and they were bottled off the same keg (which didn't show any contamination issues elsewhere), so I think there might have been a sanitation problem with that specific bottle.

Light Belgian -- 22/22/26. Better comments than the IEBC, i.e. nothing about diacetyl or oxidation. Lack of carbonation killed it, though. These beers were bottle-conditioned and only spent a week in the bottle between bottling and drop-off. I don't think they had enough time to carbonate properly.

Anyone else get their sheets?
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Re: Hangar 24 Homebrew Competition - Due May 15th

Post by BrewMasterBrad »

Got mine on Friday. I was acutally disappointed with the feedback on my Rye Pale entered in 10a. I got a 31.5 (a 34 and a 29) score, but the comments were sparse and not very helpful. I won't say who they were from, but I know both of them and I expected more. The other beers (which all took golds) all had pretty helpful score sheets. The Bock got a 36, the Brown Porter got a 38.5, and the Vienna got a 37.5.
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Re: Hangar 24 Homebrew Competition - Due May 15th

Post by backhousebrew »

I also received the score sheets from Hangar 24 for my "Robustly Blonde".
(This was my first contest)
I received a 23 / 23 / 26
Lots of different comments from the judges but the overall strongest scores were for appearance and mouthfeel. Low scores for aroma and flavor. I have to agree.
This just gives me motivation to do better next time.
I think the Pale Ale that I entered into the O.C.Fair will do much better.
I'll bring the H24 scoresheets to the next meeting.
Drink Good Beer!
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