Inconsistent Efficiency

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Inconsistent Efficiency

Post by bwarbiany »

As mentioned in this thread by lexuschris, I thought I had some issues with my false bottom getting a bit dinged up and not creating a seal on the bottom of my keggle mash tun.

My recent pale ale caused all sorts of problems during the sparge -- the pump was losing prime unless I had a flow rate far greater than I want during a sparge, I was getting particulate matter into the boil kettle, and my efficiency was down in roughly the 60% range -- WAY lower than usual.

However, before brewing yesterday I inspected the false bottom, and checked its fit in the keggle, and it seemed fine to me. So I brewed, but instead of simply doing a single-infusion mash, I decided to recirculate the mash for the full 60 minutes (I also wanted the ability to add direct heat since it's been cold here -- in this weather I'll lose 4-5 degrees over the course of an hour mash). I was getting *very* clear flow, even when I'd stirred the mash at the 20 & 40 minute mark to break up the grain bed. When I sparged, it was also very clear, and I was able to sustain a nice slow flow rate. When I finished my brew, I ended up somewhere in the 81% efficiency range (and my target OG of 1.060 became an actual 1.070).

Not sure if anyone has any tips or tricks... I guess I'm just annoyed and venting. I think from this point on I'm going to make recirculating my mash a standard practice, but if I can't start to get the efficiency to at least be repeatable and consistent, it's going to play hell with my recipe creation...
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Re: Inconsistent Efficiency

Post by BrewMasterBrad »

Changing your mash routine can definitely wreak havoc on your efficiency. I usually try to follow the same routine every time just so my gravities are predictable.

My normal routine is to mash in at my desired temp, stir like crazy to mix and break up any lumps. Leave it for 20-30 minutes, then start recirculating while applying direct heat to maintain the temp for the remainder of the mash time until I start running off into my boil kettle and sparging. I normally get about 72% efficiency with this routine. Any time I vary my routine, I can tell a difference in my efficiency.
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Re: Inconsistent Efficiency

Post by JonW »

I do similar to Brad, but recirc for all but the first 10 minutes. I also stir every 15 minutes. After the final stir, the remaining 15 mins is sufficient to run clear again. I'm usually right around 80%.
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