2015 Hop Courage - Apr 25, 2015

Check for upcoming competitions here or just discuss results, entries and share your triumphs and tragedies!

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2015 Hop Courage - Apr 25, 2015

Post by bwarbiany »

This is a beer festival and homebrew contest sponsored by Beer Autism Hope. Given that it goes to a good cause, I thought I'd highlight it here myself. I'd love to see brewcommune take home the crown.

Location: LA Memorial Coliseum
Registration: now->Mar 31
Cost: $30 first entry, $10 additional entries
Styles: All BJCP styles accepted, including mead/cider/etc
Entries Due: Apr 22
Drop-off Location: Way the F up north: 7321 Verdugo Crestline Dr. Tujunga, CA

BOS Prize: Trip to Oregon and brewing your beer with Rogue on their system.

Again, yes, it's an expensive competition. But it goes to a good cause, and hey, if you win BOS, it'll be more than worth the entry fee!
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