Club Meeting Notes - September 17th, 2019

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Club Meeting Notes - September 17th, 2019

Post by WillL »

Riip Beer Co
7:00 PM, Tuesday, September 17th, 2019
15 in Attendance

Big thanks to Riip for hosting and always being so accommodating!

The Summit beer fest was a great time and had a ton of breweries from California. It was very well organized and despite it being hot with little to no areas with shade, it was a blast. It was organized by guild so each section featured breweries from different areas of the state. I highly encourage everyone to check it out next year because it will be in Long Beach for one more year.

Barrel Project 2019
The barrel project is all finished. Thanks to Sam for organizing the barrel fill and kegging, and thanks to Curtis for coming in on his day off to help. Looking forward to letting the beer age and see how it changes over time.

OCMU vs Brewcommune Rematch
These notes are late so this already happened. OCMU whooped us again, but Greg won BOS so he will be brewing with Gunwhale on their new system! Check out the results from the competition HERE.

Officer Elections
Officer elections are coming up and will be before our next official meeting. Keep an eye out on the forums for the election post coming soon.

Fermented Foods Forum
Derrin brought up a neat idea that we add a fermented foods section. People at the meeting seemed to think it was a good idea. Post a comment in the thread if you have any questions or concerns.

Style Presentation
Category 8: Dark European Lager
8A. Munich Dunkel

Characterized by depth, richness and complexity typical of darker Munich malts with the accompanying Maillard products. Deeply bready-toasty, often with chocolate-like flavors in the freshest examples, but never harsh, roasty, or astringent; a decidedly malt-balanced beer, yet still easily drinkable.

Vital Statistics:
OG: 1.048 – 1.056
IBUs: 18 – 28
FG: 1.010 – 1.016
SRM: 14 – 28
ABV: 4.5 – 5.6%
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