Hey there homebrewing fans and friends - have you ever been interested in trying your hand at making mead?
Our club's own lexuschris is going to have a demonstration of his mead making process on March 22nd. This is free and open to the public, if you'd like to join please respond here or on our Instagram page (follow us, post is forthcoming!). We'll provide you with more details.
Batch size will depend on your preference, generally between 1 - 3 gallons. You'll need approximately 4-5 lbs. of honey per gallon. Other things you will need:
- Filtered or drinking water
- Wine or Brewers yeast
- A vessel to ferment in (ideally with an air lock, but cheese cloth with rubber band will work)
- A stirrer (a Lee's stirrer drill attachment is recommended but not necessary)
- Yeast nutrient
- Sanitizer like Starsan - We should have plenty on hand on the day but you may need some later on
- Hydrometer or refractometer to measure gravity - Same as sanitizer, you can use what we bring to the demo but will need your own later on
Windsor Homebrew is a great place to get anything you don't already have. We are happy to answer any questions.
Club Mead Day
Moderator: Post Moderators
Re: Club Mead Day
Hi again! The event is fast approaching this weekend. If you are interested in attending please respond here so we can start to have a head count.