Thanks for the suggestions Brent, I definitely plan on keeping those in mind the next time around.
Hmm, considering I don't know which beer is yours I have no idea what I suggested. Er, I'm sure they were good suggestions though.
You said that you thought it was past it's prime, right? That's funny because based on the comment you posted from Terry he probably thought it was too green. He talked a lot about how lagers have this sulfur character (that he really likes) when they haven't been lagered long enough.
It lagered for about 2mo I think over at Lyns and I personally never picked up sulfur but again, I didn't let the beer warm up while drinking it. Straight from tap, to glass, to stomach.
To be honest, I'm not really too bummed about the scores on my lager - it was my first real go at it and I'm glad to have a couple of things I can try different the next time around. Those were actually the lowest scores I've received on beer so far that I can remember.
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