brahn wrote:The temperature was a little better today, maybe because we were on the other side of the restaurant. I don't know if it was Mike's, but I judged the Mini-BOS round with the winning cali common and it didn't make it into the BOS round. It was up against a really good english mild and a very good dortmunder export and german pils. The CC was probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite in the round, the other judges agreed it was very good but they really liked the dort. Eventually the mild and dortmunder moved on. It's tough choosing between such great beers. I usually don't like english beers, but that mild was really excellent and was everyone's favorite in the round.
I think I might have placed somewhere with my Saison, I know it scored a 39.5.
I entered a german pils too Actually, I doubt it scored well. I brought a bottle over to Lyns the other night and it seemed to already be on the downhill. The 'drinking window' seemed so narrow for this beer. I was considering going 10g the next time around but I'll probably keep it at 5 with this beer if I brew it again.
Hopefully they post the results tomorrow.
New Brew Club, Free Photo hosting, Yeast Library, Forum
I did the Strong Ales yesterday. The temperature was much better, but my tongue felt like it had hair growing on it after drinking all those big beers. I think we had 15 in the flight. Most were good beers, just not to style exactly. There weren't any American Barleywines that knocked my socks off. Most were not hoppy enough. I had to leave before BOS, so I don't know if they gave out any awards yesterday or not.
I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada down at Trader Vic's
Actually, Brad/Dustin took 2nd with their IPA (ahead of McDole!) and I took 3rd with a Saison. Not bad for a beer that I forgot about and has been sitting in my garage for 9 months or so.
Mike, your cali common was in the Mini-BOS against the runner up and honorable mention to the BOS beer.
Lyn and I judged the Amber Hybrids on Saturday. Mike's Cali Common was far and away, the best beer we tasted in the flight. Notice that the 2nd and 3rd place beers were Altbier's. That's because none of the other Cali Commons had any hop character at all. Well done Mike!!! And congrats to all the other winners. I just wish the winners list showed club affiliations.
I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada down at Trader Vic's
Thanks for the kudos guys - and congrats to everyone who placed!
Big thanks to Lyn for literally making me enter that common - if it weren't for him, it would have been tapped at the SCHF!
I was hoping my munich helles would have done better but I think I missed my window of opportunity with that beer. At least my non-craft beer drinking friends have enjoyed it.
New Brew Club, Free Photo hosting, Yeast Library, Forum