Club Meeting Notes - January 21, 2020

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Club Meeting Notes - January 21, 2020

Post by WillL »

Unsung Brewing
7:00 PM, Tuesday, January 21
~20 in attendance

Big thanks to Unsung for hosting! Unsung has always been very accommodating and has a great selection of beers!

So for some reason my iPad decided it didn't want to save the notes from the unfortunately this is all from memory...sorry

Holiday Party
Big thanks to Bob F. (Mosaic1492) for opening up his home and hosting the holiday party! A fun time was had by all.

Membership Dues
2020 membership dues are due! It was brought up that we are going to throw around the idea of raising the membership by $5. $20 is pretty cheap when you compare to what other clubs are charging so it might be worth taking a look at what more we could do with the extra money.

Club Tournament
Michael set up our first annual club tournament! It sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun and a good way to brew new styles and have some friendly competition. Judging of the beers will be on off-month meetings so make sure you come next meeting in February!

2020 National Homebrew Competition
It's that time of year again and we are hoping to get some BrewCommuners into the second round! Sign-ups were extended until Monday so sign up if you haven't yet!

Club Brew Days
We are going to try and bring back club brew days this year. It's always fun seeing other people's setup and learning new ways of brewing. Keep an eye out for a thread on hosting if you would like to.

2020 SCHF
Southern California Homebrew Fest is on May 2nd at Vail Lake. Sign-ups for a camping spot already happened but if you still would like to go and haven't reserved a spot there are probably people that would be willing to share if you split the cost. It's a really fun time and cool trying beers from homebrew clubs throughout Southern California. Working our booth is a blast because it's a lot of fun serving your own beer and talking shop with other brewers. The bragging rights competition is Kolsch this year so get brewing!

Style Presentation
Cat 5B. Pale Bitter European Beer

History: Cologne, Germany has a top-fermenting brewing tradition since the Middle Ages, but developed the beer now known as Kölsch in the late 1800s to combat encroaching bottom-fermented pale lagers.
Appearance: Very pale gold to light gold. Very clear. Has a delicate white head that may not persist.
Examples Shared: Reissdorf Kolsch
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.044 – 1.050
IBUs: 18 – 30 FG: 1.007 – 1.011
SRM: 3.5 – 5 ABV: 4.4 – 5.2%

Beers Shared
Because my notes were deleted I am not even going to attempt to guess who brought what, but thank you to everyone who brought beers to share. For 2020 we are doing something a little different with sharing beers. We blindly poor beers without telling anyone the style or brewer. The sharing time lasted longer but it was interesting trying beers and giving feedback without knowing the style or brewer.
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