From what I've read, 1st year will produce almost no cones (except the Cascades ..which might produce a few ounces). Year 1 is all about establishing the root system for the following years.JonGoku wrote:Whats the expected yield you think you will get?
Year 2 should be pretty good. I have no idea, but a few sources indicated a pound or two per plant. Year 3 and beyond should be full yields. (I planted 1 good Centennial last April, and it yielded a few cones, but not enough for a harvest. This year, I hope it takes off well!)
Yeah, with 40 plants... some extra hands would be.. well.. handy.BrewMasterBrad wrote:Sounds like we need to take a road trip to Sedona in early August for a harvest.

Sedona in late summer is awesome ... incredible monsoon thunder, lighting, rain, then clear night skies after...
