Hugh Bairds Stout Malt

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Hugh Bairds Stout Malt

Post by dhempy »

Does anyone have any experience with Hugh Bairds Stout Malt? I've been in contact with the BrewPS folks and gotten a list of their maltsters. One grain they cannot get is Maris Otter which I typically like to use in my English Browns, Porters, and Stouts. But I did see the HB Stout Malt on the HB site and I am curious enough to perhaps try a sack in these types of recipes ... just curious if anyone else has any experience.

I'm also checking their prices versus the Home Beer Wine and Cheese shop ... all things equal (and I can give them enough lead time to be sure the ingredient is in stock), I'll purchase from them just to save time. Likewise for when I need just a touch of one or more specialty grains to complete a recipe. The yeast selection is kind of thin but again, if they are more convenient, I'm there.

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Re: Hugh Bairds Stout Malt

Post by lexuschris »

Never tried it. Was not even sure what it was exactly, so I looked it up on their website.

Looks like a higher diastatic base malt useful for mashing lots of roasted malts & adjuncts. Probably worth a try!

I also found a site that said that Baird's was bought by Canada Malting Co. which was then bought and operated by a ConAgra Malt, but with all current malting down in Scotland or England...

Sounds cool to me... let us know how you like it! :D
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Re: Hugh Bairds Stout Malt

Post by dhempy »

Will do ... brewing a Kolsch tomorrow with the newly reconfig'd brew system. Wish me luck!

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Re: Hugh Bairds Stout Malt

Post by Greywolf »

Good luck!
I think a Kolsch is something that I need to do. Been thinking I need to try my hand at something lighter.
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Re: Hugh Bairds Stout Malt

Post by dhempy »

Due to a technical glitch I've postponed until tomorrow ... technical glitch is now resolved so I'll carry the luck until tomorrow?

Back on topic ... no experience with stout malt?

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Re: Hugh Bairds Stout Malt

Post by dhempy »

After my investigation into Stout Malt I am not surprised that on-one has any experience .. turns out that it isn't carried anywhere in the US due to low demand. I exchanged e-mails with the Hugh Baird folks in the UK asking for a US contact for the malt ... and they told me that I probably couldn't find it here.

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