Anybody want to show a young dog some tricks

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Anybody want to show a young dog some tricks

Post by snickerrby »

Hey all,

Thanks for letting me join the brewcommune. Names Rob. I've only brew about 5 batches so far, but everytime i do i get a little more impatient to start brewing my next batch. That said, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to brew a batch with me and give me a few pointers here and there. Any takers? Supplies are on me

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Post by lars »

Hi Rob,
Welcome to Brewcommune. As you probably noticed many of us are in OC and would be happy to either help you out, or have you sit in on a brewday. Most of us brew all grain, but we also started with extracts and many of the tips and tricks apply both places. If you have joined the club, you should have access to the club only forums, keep your eye open there for brewdays, or offer to host one yourself! I think you'll find the club a useful and informative resource!

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Post by Rezzin »

Welcome to the club Rob - and ditto what Lars said :)
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Post by maltbarley »

Hi Rob,
Welcome to brewcommune!
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Post by backyard brewer »

Hey, welcome aboard. Ditto the ditto.

There are a lot of us that'd be happy to help you out.

Have you read "How To Brew" by John Palmer? It's worth every word. Do you want help/pointers on moving to all grain or just someone to review your process with extract?
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Post by dhempy »

Another hearty welcome Rob:

You can read Palmer online here. A must read!

We hope to see you here often!

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Post by kevinham »

Welcome to the board Rob. I will be brewing this Tuesday (Aug 5). If you are available, send me a PM.
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Post by Stark »

Welcome Rob!
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Post by bwarbiany »

You're more than welcome to join us for a brew day... Dustin (DHoke) and I brew at his place in Yorba Linda. We do all-grain, and use some processes that are probably different than most guys on the board, so I don't know how applicable it would be to extract brewing. But we usually sit around, smoke cigars, drink beer, and shoot the shit all day, so it's still a good time :-)
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